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circulating loop中文是什么意思

用"circulating loop"造句"circulating loop"怎么读"circulating loop" in a sentence


  • 环路


  • The designers of a carpet factory built in shanghai in 1997 cut the pumping power required for a heat - circulating loop by 92 percent through two simple changes
    有家地毯工厂于1997年在上海建造厂房,设计师做了两个小变更,就把热循环系统的推动电力减少92 % 。
  • This thesis designed and constructed a series of solid circulating loop devices , including cyclone separator , loop seal , external heat exchanger ( ehe ) and correspondent joining pipes . a data acquiring system was completed to realize the data real - time display and record the pressure of the whole system and air flow
用"circulating loop"造句  
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